Canola oil is retrieved from the crushed seeds of the Canola plant, which is a part of the Brassica family. Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli are also part of the same family of plants. Canola plants grow between three to six feet, producing fragrant, pretty, bright yellow flowers. Seeds from mature Canola plants are crushed to extract the oil which is then refined, bottled and sold as oil for external use as well as consumption.
The oil from the Canola plant is extremely beneficial for health as it contains the least amount of saturated fat and no trans-fat or cholesterol, making it the healthiest cooking oil among its peers. Canola oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, reducing the risk of coronary disease and a rich source of omega-6 fatty acid, essential for growth and development of the brain in individuals. It is also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid that protects the body against strokes and heart attacks. Clinical trials and studies reveal that consuming Canola oil instead of other cooking oils impacts the body favourably and offer the individual significant health improvements and increased metabolism.
For asking price or more information, please contact us at:
Phone : 021-54350108 (Hunting), 021-54356061
Fax. : 021-54350380
Mobile : 0821-1111-8825
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PT. Graha Jaya Pratama Kinerja
Mutiara Taman Palem Blok B3 No.38
Jl.Kamal Raya Outer Ring Road Cengkareng 11730
Food & Beverage
Chemical Industry